We Believe In Making Progress

We make progress
It’s an exciting time to join vGi Holdings. As our business grows, so do the opportunities for our people. As individuals, as teams, and as a business, we strive to make progress whatever we are doing, and at a pace you won’t find elsewhere. We are changing the industry for the better; offering better rewards, delivering lower prices and ensuring that everything we offer to our people and our customers is of the highest quality.

We know what we’re doing
We’re successful because we keep it simple; we care about getting things done and doing them right. Better never stops; we are a team that listens, learns and follows through on new ideas; always trying to go that little bit further; always willing to try something new.

Linda Chambers

“I have been with vGi Holdings since October 2017 starting out my career as a Sales Support Executive. I quickly worked my way up to become the Customer Service Manager for vGroup International after 9 months. I then had a number of promotions in between which has led to my current role as Head of Group Legal & HR for vGi Holdings, which I have held since June 2020. vGi Holdings has been vital in supporting me on my journey of success by investing in me through funding my degree in Law. They have provided me with an amazing career plan where I will be able to sit as a Director and become an in-house fully qualified Lawyer. vGi Holdings has made my dreams for my career come true and I will forever be thankful.”


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